Financial Support Services

DMK supports Data Center clients with all aspects of Financial Support Services. Having decades of project experience allows DMK to protect our clients from project delays and wasted cost. We have expert experience in the following areas:

  • Review project budget and funding
  • Confirm that all utility cost has been identified and documented
  • Support all vendors getting registered into your company’s accounting system
  • Manage Pay Application Process with vendors
  • Review all project change orders and negotiate for best price
  • Confirm & inspect all off-site “Stored Materials & Equipment”
  • Work with utilities to obtain cost estimates at beginning of project
  • Review all LLE and OFE for accuracy and schedule compliance
  • Review all Lien Waivers from Vendors
  • Secure pricing for project equipment & materials
  • Review of all Scopes of Work prior to contract
  • Confirm release of retention to vendors

DMK support services are offered remote or on site as needed by the client.
All services are billed at an hourly rate.