Data Center World Conference Summary  ( Held April 15-18 ,2024)

conferenceDMK attended the Data Center World Conference from April 15-18, 2024 in Washing ton, DC. The conference was well attended and all the sessions were packed with attendees. The conversation was “How are we going to get the needed capacity in place to support the new demands with Al”?   The conference keynote Speakers were some of the best in the Data Center industry. The conference also had many of the “Top Tier’ sponsors who show cased several new products and ideas to support future data center growth. A key topic that everyone was interested in was “Power” and how the utilities are going to be able to supply the needed future power.

One of the conference key note speakers Dr. Rian Bahar, the esteemed Assistant Director for Nuclear Technology and Strategy, Whitehouse Office of Science and Technology Policy was simply brilliant. He talked about the need to expedite more use of Nuclear Power to support the Data Center growth and to stay committed to streamlining and fast tracking the government approval process related to Nuclear Power. There was discussion about the future use SMR’s (Small Modular Reactors) for Data Center power needs. These SMR’s can provide the needed power and can be configured to serve the needs of multiple Data Center Buildings and campuses. There is a lot of focus in the area of power and many of the utilities and provide suppliers are scrambling to make these SMR’s a real reality. After many discussion with so many smart Data Center subject matter experts at the conference, it is clear to DMK Project Solutions Services that our Owners Representative Services will be in demand as we move forward. Great things ahead.